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Sponsors 贊助機構

NZO International HK (飲用水品牌)
NZO International will sponsor bottled waters for all participants during practices and tournaments. NZO International is a passionate, energetic and creative multi-beverage water based company. The water is sourced and bottled from the natural volcanic “Blue Spring” in New Zealand. The water contains a unique composition of pristine spring water & natural minerals that enhance health.
NZO 為本會所有訓練班贊助樽裝水,讓球員補充流失水份

LAB Language Arts Base
LAB stands for Language Arts Base. It is a space for kids to find their unique voice and be creative in a fun English environment; all sessions will be taught by native English speakers.
LAB 表示 (Language Arts Base) 語言藝術中心!這是一個給孩子們尋找獨特的見解,展示他們藝術天賦及活用英語的地方。LAB是利用語言及藝術去試驗孩子們的學習能力,鼓勵孩子們打破傳統思想!
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